About Target Countries

Target Countries

The African continent, composed of 54 countries, with a population of nearly one billion people, is the continent of opportunity, and industrial countries are seriously competing to seize the continent’s markets. This continent has a special significance in the world of commercial merchandise in terms of its place of business, which, according to many experts, is the world’s future market. One of the most important features of this market is the high volume of its imports that was about $ 600 billion in 2016. This market demands products such as food, construction materials, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, chemicals, petrochemical products and bitumen, carpets, detergents and health products, machinery parts and equipment, Information and informatics, electrical appliances and equipment, all of which are among the capacities and capabilities of Iran’s exports. Despite the potential exports of Iranian products, unfortunately, due to the lack of effective communication and the lack of sufficient knowledge and recognition of the opportunities and positive capacities of trading with African countries, we have always seen that Iranian companies have not been able to take advantage of this attractive and efficient potential in developing their business, unlike the exporting countries of the region. This is confirmed by the statistics of private export to Africa, which shows that among the African countries only Egypt has been the main destination of Iranian exports, while exports to other African countries are still negligible. The total value of Iran’s exports to Africa is $ 581 million, accounting for only 1% of the continent’s imports and is ranked 126th among the exporting countries to the continent. This is while the economic enterprises of countries such as Turkey, China, India and Saudi Arabia, which are the main rivals of Iran, are constantly trying to make commercial agreements with and find more commercial influence on the continent of Africa. The export volumes of Turkey to Africa show that exports from this country have reached more than $ 20 billion from $ 1.5 billion in 2001.
The charm of the export target markets (Ghana, Cameroon, Angola, Rwanda, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon) working under the supervision of the Afro-Advisor for Iranian goods.


The Cameroon Republic is one of the Central African states formed in 1961 with the unification of two French and British colonies. It is bounded by Chad to the northeast, Central Africa to the east, Gabon, Congo and Equatorial Guinea to the south, and Nigeria to the West. The country’s gross domestic product is $ 40.01 billion, and 6,680,000 680 people make up its workforce. Cameron exports crude oil and petrochemical products, timber, cocoa beans, aluminium, coffee, and cotton to Spain, Italy, France, South Korea, the Netherlands, the United States and Belgium. Moreover, machinery, electronics equipment, transportation equipment, fuel and food are imported to Cameron from France, Nigeria, China, Belgium and the United States.


The Republic of Ghana is a country with 28 million people. The country’s GDP is $ 23.33 billion. 11 million and 290 thousand people make up the country’s labor force. Ghana exports products include gold, cocoa, timber, tuna, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium, manganese, diamond, and plant to Netherlands (11.3%), England (7.7%), America (6.7%), Spain (5.7%), Belgium (5.2%) and France (4.4%). Furthermore, basic goods and equipment, oil and food products are imported to Ghana from Nigeria (16.7 percent), China (13 percent), England (5.7 percent), Belgium (7.4 percent) Percent) and South Africa (1.4 percent).

Republic of Angola

The Republic of Angola is a country in South Africa with a population of about 29 million. The capital of this country is Lewandha. The industrial growth rate in Angola is 12%, which provides the basis for developing trade with other economies. The total value of imported items to the country was about $ 17 billion in 2016. The imported products of the country include industrial raw materials, foodstuffs, machinery and electronic equipment, spare parts, pharmaceuticals and textiles. Major partners of this country are Portugal, USA, China, Brazil, South Africa, France, England and Germany.

Republic of Gabon

Gabon is a country in West Africa and on the Atlantic coast. Its official language is French, with a population of 2 million. The total value of imported items to the country was about $ 7.2 billion in 2016. The most important imported items in Gabon are machinery and equipment, foodstuffs, ships and floats, transportation vehicles, electrical and electronic equipment, metal and steel products, fuel and derivatives, pharmaceutical products and plastic products. Most of its trading partners in importing are France (28%), the United States (19%), Belgium (6%), the Netherlands (5%), and China (4%).

Republic of the Congo

The Republic of the Congo is a country in Central Africa, also known as Congo-Brazzaville. The country’s population is 5 million, and its capital city is Brazzaville. The country’s exports include oil, timber, sugar, cocoa, coffee and diamonds. Basic equipment and food products are imported to Congo from France (23.25%), China (13%), USA (8%), India (7%), Italy (7%) and Belgium (4%). The total value of imported items to the country was about $ 5 billion in 2016.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second largest country in Africa, with a population of about 78 million, the 11th largest country in the world. This French-speaking country is located in the center of Africa and its capital is Kinshasa. Congo is one of the rare African countries with a one-percent inflation rate, and its average economic growth is estimated to be more than 5 percent between 2014 and 2016. Food, medicine and medical supplies, industrial machinery, agricultural products, steel and steel structures, and fuel are among the most important imported items to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The total value of imported items to the country was about $ 6.5 billion in 2016.

Republic of Rwanda

The Republic of Rwanda is a small and independent country with a population of 12 million in Central Africa, and its capital is Kigali. The official languages of Rwanda are English and French. Rwandan exports include coffee, tea, leather and tin, and its imported products include food, machinery and equipment, steel, petrochemical products, cement and construction materials, which are mostly from Kenya (20%), Germany (10%), Uganda (7%) and Belgium (5%). The total value of imported items to the country was about $ 2 billion in 2016.